Marketing Analytics Training

Learning marketing analytics by professional marketing analyst is the most effective method to get into the right direction and enhance your analytical skills. Skip the the online elearning materials and videos and get directly into live sessions with real cases and actual data analysis.

One to One Coaching

The marketing analytics training is customized program designed for marketing professionals who are seeking to develop their career and become a marketing analyst. This program is different than online courses and elearning classes since it is created mainly as one to one professional coaching. 

The live training will help you understand the main role of marketing analyst and the key tools and techniques used to conduct marketing analytics. Yasser Ahmad, a professional consultant with a Master’s in data analytics and marketing, applies real examples of marketing data and reports to explain how you can become a marketing analyst. The training process is fully customized to match your level of experience and your current role.  By the end of course, you’ll know how to approach the marketing data from a data-savvy point of view and use analytics to extract insights.

Marketing Analytics Program

  • Introduction to Data Analytics

    Introduction to Marketing Analytics, competitive analysis, data analysis , analytic tools and tech

  • Website Analytics - Google Analytics

    Mastering Google Analytics, Online behavior, Traffic metrics, Audience analysis, Goals and Ecommerce

  • Social Media Analytics and Listening

    Social median metrics, Brand metrics, Share of Voice, Channels comparison, sentiment analysis

  • Consumer Analysis and Segmentation

    Customer persona analytics, CRM data analysis, segmentation, CLV and consumer behaviour

  • Performance Analysis and ROI

    Measuring paid channels, advertising spend, marketing performance metrics and ROI analysis

  • Marketing Dashboards and Reporting

    Setting up marketing dashboards, data visualization, reporting best practices and automation

Learning Outcomes

  • Master the tools of marketing analytics
  • Understand the marketing metrics and measurements
  • Advance the skills of data story telling, data visualization, and reporting
  • Improve the ability to analyze the marketing performance and ROI analysis
  • Ability to track brand metrics and social media channels using advanced analytical tactics
  • Enhanced abilities in collecting and arranging data using automated tools and connectors
  • Ability to build real-time dashboards and effective marketing reports
  • Designing forecasting reports using statistical models
  • Assessing the marketing strategy and data-driven decision making

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